• Welcome and Instructions
  • PD Calculator

Welcome to the Peritoneal Dialysis Calculator

The online PD (Peritoneal Dialysis) Calculator is a tool for use by healthcare professionals for modeling the dialysis dose (Kt/V) for different dialysis prescription options.

For users in countries in the region of Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), the PD Calculator is for simulation, education, and training purposes only. It must not be used in a clinical setting and/or to calculate doses for the treatment of specific patients. This educational tool provides clinicians with the ability to familiarize themselves with different therapy options by modeling the dialysis dose for different prescription options based on generalized formulas and assumptions derived from patient population.

Modeling a PD dose is based on generalized formulas and assumptions derived from patient populations. The output of a modeled prescription is limited in its accuracy and cannot account for the variability seen in individual patients. The algorithms are not designed for simulation, education and training on modeling the dialysis dose for pediatric patients or patients with amputations.

The PD calculator is not intended to replace the judgment or experience of the prescribing healthcare provider. The PD prescription is the sole responsibility of the prescriber.

For additional information, please see the complete Instructions for Use and References.

× An error has occurred!
1. Patient Data and Modeling Mode


2. Estimated Prescription Data


Peak time shown in green. Time to negative UF shown in red.

3. Physician Modeling
Daytime day
Nighttime day

Total Dialysate Volume
total volume
Total Treatment Time
total time